showing 19 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Ancient Beast Freezing Moon? labelminimizeminimize
Sissyfight Returns Word Magazine2000 labelminimizeminimize  Agario201?Simple competitive arcade-like game, you have to eat and avoid to be eaten, and climb to the top becoming the master of blob-fagociting. Is harder than its sounds.

6 of 10
Biolab Disaster -2010 labelimageminimize
FastKat Omiod2010This is a game review video about fastkat the game. This is an html game called fastkat. It is a very simple game and incredibly addictive it is not graphically fancy. As mentioned this game was developed using html. This game can be played through your browser.
[MicReviews]***Avoid hitting balls for high score. (No coins required.)
Angry Birds Chrome Rovio2011 labelimageminimize
Freeciv The Freeciv project2011 labelminimizeminimize
Private Joe - Mercenary of War Hotbazooka2011 labelimageminimize
Hands Off Snakey author2012Claims the game is for Windows, Mac and Linux but is only available as HTML5 (browser-based) game. labelminimizeminimize
Wolfenstein 3D Bethesda Softworks (id Software;River Cresco)2012Supported browsers:
* Google Chrome 16
* Internet Explorer 9
* Firefox 11
* Apple Safari 5
FastKat 2 Omiod2012Avoid crashing into things for high score. labelimagesubject
One Tap Quest Shimage2014 labelimageminimize
FastKat NEON Omiod2014This is a combo between 80s retro arcade games and a very good fast-paced attention game. Easy to play and fun. Enjoy!
[Axel]***The previous FastKats had you avoiding obstacles, this time you have to run through various objects to gain speed, all inside a minimalist, glowing colorful world.
Lode Runner Web Game author2014Collection of levels from Lode Runner, Professional Lode Runner, Championship Lode Runner, Revenge of Lode Runner and Apple Lode Runner The Remake, designed like Apple II or C64 version of the game, also includes a level editor. Game was designed with HTML5 and CreateJS. labelminimizesubject
Parrot Hunt author2015 labelminimizeminimize
ZType author2015 labelminimizeminimize
Angel Land  PlatinumGames2015System requirements

Web Browser (PC) : Chrome (latest), FireFox (latest), Safari (latest), Internet Explorer (9 or above)
iPhone : iOS 7 or above
Deliantra author2016 labelminimizeminimize
jsMoria  ?TBA labelminimizeminimize